Energy and Resources

Energy and Resources

In the midst of an industry undergoing fundamental change, we offer insights to help you reshape your business for the future. 

The disruption sweeping the energy and resources industry brings more opportunities than challenges — for companies that get ahead of change.

Decarbonization, digitization, cost pressures and geopolitical uncertainty are just some of the forces transforming the energy and resources industry. Mining and metals, oil and gas, and power and utilities companies face a common challenge: how to marry short-term commercial pressures with the need to reshape their businesses for the future.

TRITUSTA helps energy and resource companies tackle this challenge. Our teams help you reshape your business by focusing on the structure, services, technologies and capabilities needed to meet commercial objectives today and create long-term value tomorrow. Together, we can unlock the opportunities of an uncertain future — and build a better working world.

Oil and Gas

We're helping to guide the transformation of oil and gas companies in an evolving landscape.

Evolving energy demand and pricing outlooks are transforming the oil and gas industry. But few companies are fully harnessing the power of digitalization. The sector requires new business models, rationalized portfolios, accelerated investment in digital technologies and greater capital flexibility.

We can help you adapt to evolving consumer demands to become relevant for tomorrow’s energy customers. Our experience across the oil and gas value chain and our collaboration with leading technology firms provide a unique combination of resources. Tap into our insights to create efficiencies now while transforming for long-term growth in a new energy world.

Disruption is fast reshaping the mining and metals sector’s perception of where the biggest risks and opportunities may lie. The climate crisis, geopolitical issues and rising stakeholder expectations are increasingly significant forces of change. We see more opportunities than risks for miners willing to make the transformational changes needed to drive long-term value. With license to operate increasingly linked to an organization’s ability to access resources, capital and debt, a proactive approach to these challenges is critical.  Demand for minerals, materials and metals from clean energy technologies is expected to increase exponentially — and miners will need to overcome several challenges to meet this demand — building agility to manage price volatility, substitution threats and changing demands is key. For a sector in the midst of transformation, increasing the participation of women in mining — and all the proven benefits they bring — is simply too big an opportunity to ignore. Gender diversity is a business imperative for mining and metals companies as they build a strong, sustainable future.

We take a whole-of-value-chain approach to help you to seize the potential of digital to fast-track productivity, balance portfolios and set a clear road map for the new energy future.

Mining and Metals

The future of mining and metals is focused on embracing digital while optimizing productivity and portfolios.

Energy resilience is vital - especially amid amplified geopolitical tensions, fluctuating commodity prices, supply chain shortages, and an increase in extreme weather. Yet, customer and commercial pressures necessitate cleaner energy too. So, how do you balance short-term needs with long term goals?

We focus on the structures, services and cross-industry collaboration needed to advance the evolution of energy. And we work with you to leverage the emerging technologies and capabilities that will deliver results. With TRITUSTA, companies across the ecosystem can unleash the value of energy today and tomorrow.

Energy Transition

Unleash sustainable value by embracing the evolution of energy.